My skills

Service design

To ideate and define a service in detail, taking as starting point the results of the user research and the goals of the organisation. It can be materialised in visual maps, specifications, videos,service prototypes or other media.

See What is Service Design for an extended explanation.

As a matter of fact, since there’s no service equal to another, I’m always exploring new ways of representing complex systems and the relationships among their elements.

# Blueprints, user journeys, concept maps and frameworks are my daily bread.

User research

Through going to the ground to talk to real people and observe their behaviours and habits, User research collects needs and motivations of all stakeholders, with special focus on end users. Afterwards, this data is transformed into actionable insight, that allows us to decide in which direction the design should go.

# Interviews, group sessions, service safaris, shadowing sessions, mystery shopping, etc. Planning and executing of ad-hoc programmes.


To achieve specific goals in a time limited session and with a diverse group of participants, that may or may not be familiar with creative, exploratory and non hierarchical group dynamics. Ideal to work on challenges that are often well known but that have proven hard to tackle.

# Group workshops, participatory Design. Creation of exercises and dynamics ad-hoc according to project. Planning, execution, facilitation, mediation and analysis.

Design of digital interfaces

Starting from the end user needs and the business goals,to pick the right platform (mobile app, website, social networks, etc.). Then to design a user experience that exceeds expectations, that can scale with time and that provides real value to all stakeholders, beyond short-lived trends.

# Wireframes, Flow maps, navigation maps, interface architectures, specifications, codeless prototypes.

Leadership skills

To me, leadership is:

  • To devote oneself from the heart to achieve the best possible result
  • To create space for colleagues to develop themselves professionally
  • To be efficient at work while cherishing the team’s work-life balance
  • To always give the client the best recommendation, even if sometimes it’s a hard path to take
  • To foster an easygoing and truly collaborative working atmosphere

These are things I try to bring to practice every day.

# Design team management, client management and communication within the organisation. project planning.


Use of storytelling techniques to shape an engaging discourse, to structure a step by step complex explanation or to try to be brief and concise.

# Storyboards, presentations, writing in several languages, facilitation and mediation.


Work and personal immersion in Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Chile, and Cambodia. Minor working visits to France and the UK.

# Spanish, English, German, French.

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